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作者:深圳教育在线 来源:www.szedu.net 更新日期:2022/10/20 15:24:50
  培训学校: 北京慧幼教育>> 点击进入培训机构主页
  课程名称: 王琨老师中国家庭教育HUMAN成长体系
  课程学费: 电话咨询 开课时间:滚动开班
  上课地点: 全国
  关 键 字:
  咨询电话: 0755-88842400 0755-83692700 0755-88844436


HUMAN growth system, is committed to early childhood education 0-6 years old, aims to develop a healthy body and mind, unique creativity, multiple perspectives, action of excellence and natural exploration ability of children, the ideal of whole-person education. W We use children as the main body of learning to create a safe, open, diverse and natural environment for children to acquire knowledge and enhance their abilities during exploration, and in the cognitive, emotional, will and other aspects of balanced development. We fully respect children's nature and age characteristics, let the children become children, make education happen naturally.



健康身心 Healthy body and mind


Healthy body and healthy personality are the foundation for all children's education and future development.


独特创意 Unique creativity


Creativity is a combination of observation, concentration, comprehension, imagination and endurance, and is a unique ability to solve problems.


多元视野 Multiple perspectives


Everything will not only have a state or attribute, with a multi-horizons to observe and feel the world, the world will be infinitely wonderful.


卓越行动 Action of excellence


Practical action and accumulation of knowledge are integrated with each other. Only in this way can we have results.


自然探索 Nature exploration


Nature gives us everything, to guide children to observe, think and explore in order to discover the mysteries of nature.


慧幼课程体系 WIKID Curriculum Systems



HUMAN Growth System is the theoretical basis for all the curriculum development of WIKID and the guiding principle for all childcare and education. WIKID curriculum system includes the core curriculum, featured curriculum, development curriculum, they are independent of each other and integration, so that children in a wide range of exploration, to play a unique creativity, excellent action, so that children become children, make education happen naturally.



慧幼HUMAN成长体系 WIKID HUMAN Growth System


HUMAN Growth System is the theoretical basis for all the curriculum development of WIKID and the guiding principle for all childcare and education.


慧幼核心课程 WIKID Core Curriculum


Covering multi-domain and multi-topics activities and adopting a variety of teaching methods to enable children to develop in a comprehensive, harmonious and integrated manner.


慧幼特色课程 WIKID Featured Curriculum


Provide children with special exploration opportunities, tap the potential of children and discover the child's talent, so that the child's intelligence to maximize the play.


慧幼拓展课程 WIKID Development Curriculum


Make full use of the favorable resources of families, communities, domestic and overseas, and other fields to open up a broader exploration space for children and broaden their horizons.


慧幼特色课程 WIKID Featured Curriculum


PE课程 PE Curriculum


To sports as the mainstay, the game as a method to promote the overall development of young children as the goal of a new type of intelligent sports games.


绘本剧 Picture book theater


Using picture books as media, the picture book and the drama are closely linked. Through the way of 'participating, experiencing, integrating, creating and performing', young children can understand themselves, pay attention to others and understand the society.


国学荟 Sinology essence


Learn the essence of sinology, so that children understand the history of China five thousand years of culture at the same time, have moral character, knowledge and ability.


木工坊 Woodwork workshop


The 'play' and 'learning' organic combination of 'play' organic into 'learning', let the brain follow the fingers to explore the world!


AI科技 AI Technology


In interesting science labs, let the children assemble, build and run works, learn to use some simple principles of physics to accomplish their tasks, expand the imagination, and let their dreams fly in practice.


自然迷 Nature exploration


Nature gives us everything, to guide children to observe, think and explore in order to discover the mysteries of nature.


美术秀 Art show


In different sensitive periods of painting, the whimsical spirituality and colorful colors collide with each other to deduce a colorful childhood.


音乐咖 Music bar


Nourish the soul with a variety of music, let the children follow the beat of the note feel the meaning of life, and establish a connection with the world.


慧幼教育是由中国家庭教育领导品牌北京能量之光教育集团控股的一家专注幼儿教育的幼教平台。 专注于0-6岁学前教育领域的实体投资、产品研发、项目运营、管理咨询和内容输出。

WIKID education is a leading education-oriented early childhood education platform led by HUIYU Education, a leading brand in Chinese family education. Focus on 0-6 years of pre-sch..>>进入学校主页

  咨询电话: 0755-88842400 0755-83692700 0755-88844436
  手机: 15811841184 电 邮:nihao@foxmail.com

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