Many things make people think artists are weird and the weirdest may be this:artist’s only job is to explore emotions, and yet they choose to focus on the ones that feel bad.
This wasn’t always so. The earliest forms of art, like painting and music, are those best suited for expressing joy. But somewhere in the 19th century, more artists began seeing happiness as insipid, phony or, worst of all, boring as we went from Wordsworth’s daffodils to Baudelaire’s flowers of evil.
You could argue that art became more skeptical of happiness because modern times have seen such misery. But it’s not as if earlier times didn’t know perpetual war, disaster and the massacre of innocents. The reason, in fact, may be just the opposite: there is too much damn happiness in the world today.
After all, what is the one modern form of expression almost completely dedicated to depicting happiness? Advertising. The rise of anti-happy art almost exactly tracks the emergence of mass media, and with it, a commercial culture in which happiness is not just an ideal but an ideology.
People in earlier eras were surrounded by reminders of misery. They worked until exhausted, lived with few protections and died young. In the West, before mass communication and literacy, the most powerful mass medium was the church, which reminded worshippers that their souls were in peril and that they would someday be meat for worms. Given all this, they did not exactly need their art to be a bummer too.
Today the messages your average Westerner is bombarded with are not religious but commercial, and forever happy .Fast-food eaters, news anchors, text messengers, all smiling, smiling. Our magazines feature beaming celebrities and happy families in perfect homes. And since these messages have an agenda——to lure us to open our wallets to make the very idea of happiness seem unreliable. “Celebrate!” commanded the ads for the arthritis drug Celebrex, before we found out it could increase the risk of heart attacks.
What we forget——what our economy depends on is forgetting——is that happiness is more than pleasure without pain. The things that bring the greatest joy carry the greatest potential for loss and disappointment. Today, surrounded by promises of easy happiness, we need someone to tell us as religion once did, Memento mori: remember that you will die, that everything ends, and that happiness comes not in denying this but in living with it. It’s a message even more bitter than a clove cigarette, yet, somehow, a breath of fresh air.
1.By citing the example of poets Wordsworth and Baudelaire, the author intends to show that
A. Poetry is not as expressive of joy as painting or music.
B. Art grow out of both positive and negative feeling.
C. Poets today are less skeptical of happiness.
D. Artist have changed their focus of interest.
2. The word “bummer”(Line 5. paragraph 5) most probably means something
A. religious
B. unpleasant
C. entertaining
D. commercial
3.In the author’s opinion, advertising
A. emerges in the wake of the anti-happy part.
B. is a cause of disappointment for the general peer
C. replace the church as a major source of information
D. creates an illusion of happiness rather than happiness itself.
4.We can learn from the last paragraph that the author believes
A .Happiness more often than not ends in sadness.
B. The anti-happy art is distasteful by refreshing.
C. Misery should be enjoyed rather than denied.
D .The anti-happy art flourishes when economy booms
5.Which of the following is true of the text?
A Religion once functioned as a reminder of misery.
B Art provides a balance between expectation and reality.
C People feel disappointed at the realities of morality.
D mass media are inclined to cover disasters and deaths.
weird: a. (frightening because it is)unnatural,uncanny or strange 不自然的,怪异的或奇怪的(常做贬义)
【例】Weird shrieks were heard in the darkness. 在黑暗中听见离奇的尖叫声.
He looks like nothing on earth in those weird clothes. 他穿著奇装异服难看极了.
【名】weirdie n. (口语,通常贬义)行为、衣着等奇怪的人,古怪的人
eccentric n. (没有贬义)古怪的人
insipid: a. having almost no taste or flavour;lacking in interest or vigour乏味的,枯燥的 (常做贬义)
【例】The food was rather insipid, and needed gingering up. 这食物缺少味道,需要加点作料。
【名】insipidity n. 乏味,枯燥
phony: (也写作phoney) a. (指某人)假装的,冒充的;(指某物)假的,伪造的; n.冒充者,赝品
【例】The phony glamour of night club soon become stale and boring. 夜总会那种虚假的荣华不久便失去了新意而使人生厌。
daffodil: n. 水仙花 a. 水仙花色的
massacre: n. 大屠杀;(口)(运动队的)惨败
【例】The press has reported the massacre of thousands of people for their religious beliefs. 新闻界报道了那场因宗教信仰原因而对千万人的大屠杀。
The game was a complete massacre; we lost 10-0. 那次比赛真是一次惨败,我们0比10输了。
damn: a. (口)表示不满、愤怒、不耐烦等; adv. (表示不满、愤怒等)非常
【例】Where’s that damn book 那本该死的书哪里去了?
My damn car has broken down 我的混帐汽车坏了。
You know damn well what I mean 你清清楚楚明白我的意思。
【习】damn all (口)完全没有 It’s damn all use you telling me that now 你现在才告诉我,管什么用!
beam: n. 光线,横梁,容光焕发 v. 微笑,闪亮
【例】From a sky of untarnished blue the sun beamed down upon Beijing. 阳光透过万里碧空照耀着北京城。
The World Cup Final was beamed live from Britain to Japan. 世界杯决赛从英国向日本作了实况转播.
【习】off(the)beam (口)不对的,错的
Your calculation is way off beam. 你的计算大错特错.
bombard: v. 炮击,轰炸;(以连珠炮似的问题)攻击、漫骂
【例】Reporters bombarded the President with questions about his economic policy. 新闻记者提出许多有关经济政策的问题围攻总统.
【用】~ sb/sth with sth 用sth轰炸、攻击sb/sth
①The rise of anti-happy art almost exactly tracks the emergence of mass media, and with it, a commercial culture in which happiness is not just an ideal but an ideology.
分析:it 指代the rise;in which引导的从句修饰commercial culture
②And since these messages have an agenda--to lure us to open our wallets to make the very idea of happiness seem unreliable.
分析:这是个简单句,波折号前面是主句,破折号后面的不定式结构to lure us to open ourwallets修饰agenda,to make后面的部分做补语修饰have an agenda。